You are guaranteed to pass our CDL course!


CDL Direct is committed to providing a high quality, highly flexible, and highly effective educational tools to assist individuals who are seeking a commercial drivers license.  We are so confident in the quality of our training courses that you are guaranteed to pass!

Let us explain a bit.  Many people have limited free time and do not have the ability to easily take time off of work to begin the process of getting their CDL.  We have already helped over 25,000 students meet the FMCSA guidelines set in February of 2022 in the most convenient way possible.  When you purchase our course, you have the ability to use your phone, tablet or computer to take in the "classroom" side of Entry Level Driver Training at the time, pac, and location of your choice.

Most prefer their own couch rather than a classroom.  We understand that and make that possible for you.  You will see that the quality of instruction is more effective in that it allows you to control what your time and attention permit.  This causes the learning experience to be more user friendly and thus more comfortable.

As you take quizzes throughout the course you will see how well you competence and confidence levels will grow.  You may retake all quizzes and even the final test as many times as you desire.  Many students benefit from reviewing more difficult points which helps them to more effectively learn them well.

After you pass the course we can help you along the way with additional guidance and assistance to complete your training with behind-the-wheel courses to put what you learned in "class" into action in the real world.  For these reasons tens of thousands have chosen CDL Direct as their "classroom", we look forward to having you as a student as well.

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